You scored between 19 – 27 points… But what does that mean?
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our marketing report questionnaire. I’m here to talk through what your score means and the best approach you should take with your marketing and communications strategy.
From your score, using a boutique agency roster maybe your preferred option. On the condition that you are comfortable with, and have the bandwidth, for dealing with multiple agency partners this could be the best solution for you. Using several different agencies that specialise in one area may benefit your budget better as you can turn on and off the agencies as and when you need to.
There are some caveats to this, however. Just remember that you will need to have a firm grasp on your marketing strategy and that you understand that dealing with several different agencies can be hard work.
We have put together a few helpful guides and templates that will help you navigate outsourcing your marketing efforts. You can download them below.
Choosing the right agencies or consultants can be a difficult task. Our team is here to help you make the right decisions that will get you the best return on your investment. If you need a guiding hand, get in touch with us and our experts will be happy to help you.