Project Me
Your wellbeing matters offers one-to-one coaching, group and peer support and wellbeing programmes for young people dealing with their mental health. But faced with a pandemic lockdown, how could the charity continue to help young people with their mental health – especially at a time when more and more were seeking out support?
Platfform set us one main goal: find a way to engage and interact in a meaningful and practical way with Platfform’s users to replace that feeling of in-person connection.
Brand Identity & Naming
Graphic Design
Website Build
Social Templates
Company Collateral
As with all our solutions, we first looked at the data. We mined insights and trends, spoke with Platfform users to establish need and habits, and studied mental health storytelling and interaction. We collaborated with Platfform to workshop our ideas, from interactive chatbots to videos to home in on what would be most effective to engage their young audience.

We created a dedicated online environment called Project ME – as part of the website – where users could engage with interactive wellbeing quizzes and films on topics such as mindfulness and how the teenage brain works. We guided users through their wellness journey, with integrated quiz functionality embedded in the website, offering tips and advice from experts and peers.
We used a distinctive style of illustration over photography, which we brought to life through animation. Filming the videos at our office using a greenscreen, meant that we were able to add graphic and animated elements behind the speaker to allow for extra detail, aid accessibility and make the enjoyable video feel like a family or series.

“Project Me is somewhere for you to reflect on how you’re feeling, read up on tips for looking after your wellbeing, and find information on where to reach out if you need more help.”

Our challenge was to engage young people dealing with their mental health and our solution provided the effective means for specific audience engagement. Our videos achieved hundreds of views and enabled people to access crucial help and advice at a time where in-person contact and services were restricted.